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Planning Committee (PLAN)

Having your input on Planning Applications at parish level

The Loose Parish Council Planning Committee (PLAN) usually meet fortnightly, dependent on planning applications received. Meetings start at 6.45pm, but can begin earlier if there are a particularly large number of agenda items. The start time will always be published on the specific agenda for that meeting (displayed on the noticeboards and website).


Draft minutes are uploaded onto the website shortly after the meeting.  Agreed minutes are uploaded once they have been confirmed at the next Planning meeting.


Loose Parish Council (LPC) does not determine planning applications. This is the role of Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) as the Planning Authority.  LPC makes a recommendation to MBC regarding its position on an application as agreed at its planning committee meetings.


Planning Committee meetings are open to the public. If you wish to speak you may do so for a maximum of three minutes.


LPC may from time to time see or wish to investigate benefit to the community by having an early meeting with a developer. Also, it does facilitate public meetings on applications at which developers and the public are welcome to attend.


If you need any further information please contact the Clerk.

Planning Committee meetings are held at the Loose Parish Pavilion.  Members of the public are welcome to attend.


If you wish to comment on an application you can submit comments directly through the MBC Planning portal, or write/email MBC Planning with a  copy to Loose Parish Council.  It would help if comments are submitted early in the consultation period. This would allow parish councillors to take in your views prior to formulating their recommendation to MBC.


Please note: If you are interested in making any representations or comments on the Planning Committee’s current agenda, any emails need to be received by 5pm, on the Friday preceding the Monday meeting.


Agendas and Minutes

30 September 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

12 August 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

1 July 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

22 April 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

4 March  2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes  

8 January 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes 

13 November 2023
LPC PLAN Minutes  

21 August 2023 
LPC PLAN Minutes 

26 June 2023 

16 September 2024 
LPC  Minutes

29 July 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

17 June 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

8 April 2024 
LPC PLAN  Minutes

19 February 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes 

11 December 2023 
LPC PLAN Minutes

18 September 2023
LPC PLAN Minutes 

7 August 2023 
LPC PLAN Minutes  

12 June 2023 
LPC PLAN Minutes 

2 September 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

15 July 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

13 May 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes

18 March  2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes  

22 January 2024 
LPC PLAN Minutes  

27 November 2023
LPC PLAN Minutes  

4 September 2023
LPC PLAN Minutes

10 July 2023 
LPC PLAN Minutes  

Loose Boundary

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Get in Touch

Clerk: Nicky Bourne

Loose PC PO Box 634 MAIDSTONE Kent ME17 4YR

07855 000156

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©2020 by Loose Parish Council

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