Environment Committee (ENV)
Agendas and Minutes
The Environment Committee manages, preserves and promotes designated green spaces within the parish. It deals with any maintenance, issues and concerns about vegetation within the Loose Parish Council boundary. It covers:
The closed cemetery in Church Street
The village green at the top of Old Loose Hill
Brooks Field, the stream and pathway
The King George V Playing Field
Richmond Way Green
Ragstone walls
Trees and foliage
Planters and benches
Litter and bins
The bus shelter by Rosemount Close
The Environment Committee has a continual list of ongoing projects.
Other issues, that do not fall under the Parish Council’s remit should be reported directly to the relevant authority:-
Road problems and potholes, should be reported to Kent County Council on the following link:
Fly tipping, dogs mess, missing street signs, etc, should be reported to Maidstone Borough Council: