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LPC Community Alert Service
The LPC Community Alert Service covers anything of interest in the local area. This includes items from Loose Parish Council; Police & Community Warden updates; events in the local area and other local community information.
Aside from emailing to those who have registered to receive LPC Community Alerts in their mailboxes, copies are also posted on this website, as well as being placed on the parish council noticeboards in the area. (Noticeboards are located outside the Loose Parish Pavilion; outside Loose Primary School on the Loose Road; next to All Saints’ noticeboard on the wall at the top of Old Loose Hill (Post Office end); on the corner of Holmesdale Close; on Boughton Parade and on the Greenway (off Cripple Street).
We welcome your feedback, so if there is any way of improving the council’s contact with the local community, please get in touch.
The Loose Parish Council runs a Community Alert email Information service for all residents, plus any other interested parties, who have access to the internet. If you are interested in receiving these, you can subscribe to this service at the foot of this page.
Loose Parish Council Community Alerts
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